October 16, 2023

Big Tech and IP: Google, Twitter, Trademarks and Patents

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Google loses streaming video patent case with damages totaling $330 million.

Google faced another setback in its continuing intellectual property disputes with numerous companies. Google, like other large technology companies, is continually involved in numerous patent infringement actions. A jury in the US Western District court of Texas found Google’s Chromecast streaming device infringed patents held by Touchstream Technologies pertaining to sharing video recordings across different devices and screens like smartphones and televisions. Given the size of the damages, Google will likely appeal the decision.

Patents are the only way to protect your invention if you plan to introduce it to the market and make it available for the public.

Patent FAQs

Twitter’s change in name to “X’ runs into trademark infringement concerns.

Elons Musk’s Twitter has faced backlash over its recent name change to X, as numerous other companies have trademark rights in the letter “X”, including several other Fortune 100 companies. The number of companies already having rights in the letter makes it uncertain whether the company will be able to continue to use or protect any rights it may develop in the mark. The risk of litigation from any number companies will likely hang over the company for some time and diminish branding efforts.

It is imperative to speak with an intellectual property expert before adopting a brand to help ensure that a company can invest its time and money in building its brand and not on defending its brand or rebranding.

Trademark FAQs

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BOI Reporting Obligations Paused Again

On December 26, 2024, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit issued an order that reinstates the preliminary injunction on the CTA from December 3.

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