February 25, 2022

What to do BEFORE the Acquisition

What can businesses do to ensure a smooth acquisition?

Nemphos Braue joined forces with Hartman Executive Advisors to provide an in-depth webinar on What to do BEFORE the Acquisition: Insights and Real-Life Examples of How to Get it Right and Wrong.

Providing insights and perspective from the deal-making frontlines, Bill Lenihan, Industry Leader at Hartman Executive Advisors, and George Nemphos, Co-Founder and Managing Member of Nemphos Braue, offered up details on what they’re seeing in the red-hot acquisition marketplace. The virtual roundtable was moderated by Marty O’Neill, Managing Director at Chesapeake Corporate Advisors.

Hartman Executive Advisors and Nemphos Braue Webinar

Both Bill and George stressed the importance of planning, streamlining and due diligence. Some key takeaways:

  • Start BEFORE the transaction in order to improve strategic value
  • Clean your house (and your backyard); DO the due diligence
  • Due diligence prior to the transaction and a proper structure will preserve value
  • Standardize and simplify your IT
  • Lawyers and advisors can help create an onboarding process that can be replicated, providing a cohesive approach
  • Try to take emotion out of the deal and make fact-based decisions
  • You’re going to trip and fall; whether or not your work in advance is solid enough will determine if you can dust yourself off and keep going


Watch the full event below and learn more about Nemphos Braue’s expertise in mergers and acquisitions.

Acquisition Case Study: Atlantic Industrial Group

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