August 4, 2023

Get Funded: George Nemphos Joins Panel for BBJ Event

“We’re going to see an uptick in investments from unusual sources.”  — George Nemphos, Managing Member of Nemphos Braue.

Recognizing the importance – and sometimes challenges – of raising capital, George Nemphos, along with McKeever “Mac” Conwell II of RareBreed Ventures, Guy Filippelli of Squadra Ventures, and Christy Wyskiel of Johns Hopkins University participated in a panel discussion as a part of the Baltimore Business Journal’s recent “Get Funded” event, which was also an opportunity to celebrate Maryland Inno’s Fire Award winners.

The panelists shared insights on what they’re seeing, what draws them to certain investment opportunities, and what entrepreneurs and startups can do to best position their companies for raising capital.

In addition to fund formation, George noted that he’s seeing significant growth in family office contributions. Entrepreneurial families are investing in growing companies, sometimes in an area or industry of interest to the family. Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs) are also gaining popularity, being deployed at any stage.

Guidance, feedback and experience can have an impact in addition to cash, and George noted how a lawyer can also be a mentor, as can accountants and angels.

Read the full recap in the Baltimore Business Journal.

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