
BOI Reporting Obligations Paused Again

On December 26, 2024, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit issued an order that reinstates the preliminary injunction on the CTA from December 3.

Governor’s Briefing on COVID-19: April 28, 2021

Effectively immediately, masks and face coverings are no longer required outdoors. Hogan notes that 60% of Maryland residents age 18+ have been vaccinated and the state’s case rate has dropped 33% in the past two weeks.

Governor’s Briefing on COVID-19: April 1, 2021

Starting today, ALL Marylanders age 16+ can now pre-register for the vaccine, with eligibility phases expected to accelerate; 75% of residents age 65+ have been vaccinated, federal mobile vaccination units and more vaccination sites are coming soon.

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