Old Line is bringing together state experts and liaisons to the Board of Public Works to discuss Maryland’s unique procurement process.
Upcoming Webinars: The Maryland Business Innovation Challenge
We are proud sponsors of the Maryland Business Innovation Challenge (MDBIC), an initiative from the Maryland Business Innovation Association and the Maryland Department of Commerce, designed to bring together the state’s corporate community with local innovators to solve real-time business challenges.
JMore’s JBiz Entrepreneur Series
Nemphos Braue is proud to sponsor JMore’s JBiz Entrepreneur Series. The series features interviews...
Risk Allocation
Risk allocation is a tenet of all mergers and acquisitions, not just during a pandemic, and certain “phantoms” may be lurking in the details.
Valuations in the Time of Covid
Estimating a business owner or organization’s value is critical for growth and for exit or transition strategies.
JBiz Entrepreneur Series Features Evan Lutz of Hungry Harvest
In the first episode of the 2020 series, sponsored by Nemphos Braue, JMore’s Gary Stein interviews Evan Lutz, CEO and Co-Founder of Hungry Harvest.
George Nemphos Explains Economic Herd Immunity
At the recent virtual event The Road Map: Valuing and Positioning Your Business for the Next Destination, Co-Founder George Nemphos spoke on the importance of what he calls “economic herd immunity” – a cooperative business model to help all businesses during the pandemic.
Upcoming Webinar: Maryland’s Budget During COVID-19
COVID-19 continues to have a significant impact on many aspects of Maryland’s budgetary and fiscal...
Succession Planning: What Middle Market Businesses Need to Know
Buy-Sell planning can be the difference between a successful exit for your middle market business...
Understanding Maryland’s Insurance Landscape: Virtual Roundtable With Insurance Commissioner Kathleen Birrane
Insurance is a risk financing mechanism, and in a time when Marylanders and Maryland businesses...
Startup Law Series: Understanding Entity Formation
We have a soft spot for entrepreneurs at Nemphos Braue. Our founding members left some of the...
COVID-19 and Maryland’s Fiscal Outlook: Virtual Roundtable with Comptroller Franchot
The unprecedented circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic have hit Maryland businesses...
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February is American Heart Month
Nemphos Braue is a proud supporter of the American Heart Association.
Patents and Packaging: IP in the News
When it comes to patents, be careful what you say, who you say it to and when you say it.
Katelynn Brennan Receives CIPP/US Certification
Congratulations to Katelynn Brennan on earning the Certified Information Privacy Professional/U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) accreditation.